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Small children's playing together

The signs are all around: kids are growing more restless, warmer weather is enticing us from our indoor winter hibernation, and sudden cravings for popsicles are appearing. Yes indeed, summertime is on the horizon. For many Northwest Indiana families, this means preparing for a season filled with sports and other outdoor activities. This summer, follow the tips we’ve provided below to ensure your precious smiles stay safe and healthy.

1.) A Mouthguard Can Make all the Difference

Did you know that up to 40% of all sports-related injuries involve the face? Shocking, isn’t it? Good thing you have a way to protect against tooth loss and other mouth injuries. A custom mouthguard from one of our family and general dentists at Smiles of Chesterton is thin, strong, flexible, and specially molded to fit your mouth. It won’t get in the way on the field, but it will have your back when you’re going head to head against tough competition.

2.) Water is Better

Sports drinks may be the more attractive or popular choice among athletes of all ages, but studies show that they’re not doing your teeth any favors. In fact, these kinds of drinks are formulated with ingredients like sugar and citric acid, both of which contribute to tooth demineralization and decay. Next time you need to rehydrate, reach for water-it’s a positive choice for your body and your teeth.

3.) Get into a Healthy Habit

It happens. Summertime disrupts family routines-and no one is complaining about how much fun that can be! But while you’re making memories on road trips, at summer camps, and spending quality time with loved ones, ensure that regular brushing and flossing stays consistent. Following this one tip can save everyone from developing problems before your family’s back-to-school dental appointments. Schedule those visits before the school year starts, and you won’t have to worry about kids missing classes or coordinating around after-school activities.

Still, have questions? Dr. Arnold, Dr. Shideler, Dr. Wargo, and the team at Smiles of Chesterton are experts at preventive care as well as many general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry treatments. Call today to make your appointment at our Chesterton office. We look forward to making you smile this summer!