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Man smiling
Dental implants in Chesterton, IN are commonly featured on our blog. See our previous post on dental implants, where we discuss why they are the best option in tooth replacement. Implant dentistry provides the only whole-tooth solution after tooth loss, and when cared for properly, dental implants can be expected to last a lifetime. So now that you know dental implants are the most effective solution to missing teeth, you’re probably wondering one thing — are you a good candidate for implant dentistry?

Considering Your Candidacy for Dental Implants

Traditional dental implants require two things for success: a strong, stable jawbone, and good oral and overall health.

Patients who have lived with missing teeth for a year or more may have already experienced too much bone loss to be able to support dental implants. Bone augmentation can help increase eligibility for implant dentistry in these instances. Bone grafting and sinus lift are two common procedures leading up to dental implant placement.

  • Bone grafting removes bone from other areas of the body — usually the back of the jaw, the shin, or the hip — and uses it to strengthen the treatment area.
  • A sinus lift adds bone to the upper jaw and is used in advance of placing dental implants in the back of the mouth.

Additionally, patients’ health should support proper healing following the dental implant procedure. People who are dealing with severe cases of gum disease should seek periodontal treatment before considering dental implants. And patients who have health conditions that impede healing, like uncontrolled diabetes, advanced cancers, or HIV/AIDS, are likely not good candidates for traditional dental implants.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Patients who are not qualified for traditional dental implants shouldn’t lose hope. Other options, like All-on-4 dental implants, maybe a possibility.

Also known as Teeth in a Day, All-on-4 dental implants support a full row of teeth in the top or bottom of the mouth on just four dental implants. Using strategic implant placement for maximum stability, All-on-4 eliminates the need for bone grafting leading up to implant placement. It also allows for the immediate placement of the prosthetic teeth, meaning patients can enjoy a full row of functioning teeth on the very same day.

Dental Implant Care From One Expert Team

There’s no need for outside referrals to an oral surgeon’s office when you’re a patient of Smiles of Chesterton. Dr. Carroll is the expert in dental implant placement at our Chesterton, IN practice. That means you can count on one expert team to take care of your entire dental implant procedure — from initial implantation to final restoration.

Schedule An Appointment Today!

The only way to know for sure whether or not you are an eligible candidate for dental implants in Chesterton is to schedule an appointment with your implant dentist. Contact Smiles of Chesterton to request your visit today!