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A girl smiling

Do you struggle with dull or yellow teeth? Do you hesitate to smile because you’re self-conscious about the not-so-white set of teeth it would reveal? Over the years, teeth can easily become stained by foods, drinks, or even aging. Smokers run an especially high risk of teeth discoloration. With Zoom! Whitening, we can wipe the slate clean and leave your teeth sparkling white in a single, one-hour visit.

At a Zoom! Whitening appointment, we’ll cover your lips and gums for protection, and then apply the Zoom! Whitening professional-strength bleaching gel to your teeth. This gel is specially formulated to minimize tooth sensitivity, which can sometimes result from bleaching procedures. A no-heat lamp activates the gel, and after three 15-minute sessions, you’ll enjoy teeth up to 8 shades whiter!

If you’d like an at-home alternative or are looking to maintain in-office results, we can provide whitening trays and professional bleaching gel for home use. Just follow our dentist’s instructions for proper application, and within two weeks your smile will be noticeably whiter.

Call our Chesterton office to schedule a Zoom! Whitening appointment or to find out how you can obtain our custom at-home whitening system. Dr. Arnold, Dr. Shideler, and Dr. Wargo have restored many patients’ confidence and beautiful smiles with our safe and effective teeth whitening services. You could be next.