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African American Man Smiling

Many patients are unsure of how dental implant supported tooth replacement works. Some think that a replacement tooth with a screw-like root is placed directly into the gum line whole. Others think that they’ll need an implant post for every tooth they replace, and we’ve even had patients who didn’t think dental implants required surgery. There’s a lot of confusing information out there, but the main source of the confusion seems to be understanding the difference between dental implant placement and restoration.

The Dental Implant Placement Phase

The first phase of the dental implant tooth replacement process is the surgical positioning of titanium implant posts below the gum line. The number of implants varies depending on how many teeth are replaced, the density of patients’ jawbone, and the location of missing teeth. However, the placement process remains the same. A small incision is made in the gums and the titanium post is positioned. Once the posts are in place, patients may receive a temporary restoration, and a period of healing is necessary prior to permanent restoration. During this time, the gum tissue is restored to its full health, and the post fuses with the jawbone. The fusion of the implant and jawbone is known as osseointegration and is the key to the success of implant-supported prosthetics. Following osseointegration, the implant mimics the tooth root and is able to support replacement teeth.

The Smile Restoration Phase

Smile restoration is the placement of a permanent or removable dental prosthetic supported by the implants. These restorations may be anchored to the implants by your dentist or clipped on using ball or bar connectors allowing for removal. The decision to select removable or permanent implants is largely dependent upon personal preference, but our team is happy to discuss the benefits of both solutions with you during a dental implant consultation.

Benefits of Dental Implants in Chesterton, IN
  • Replaces the entire tooth roots and all
  • Natural look, feel, and function
  • Provides stimulation to maintain bone and gum tissue density
  • Eat what you want and speak clearly with increased stability
Find out More About Dental Implants in Chesterton

If you’re missing any number of teeth, don’t wait another day. Contact the Smiles of Chesterton team to find out your tooth replacement options. We’re happy to help you make the right decision to restore your smile.