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Woman sleeping

Like millions of Americans, just the idea of a trip to the dentist might leave your palms sweaty and your heart racing. Maybe you’ve had previous bad experiences, or you’re worried about problems the dentist may find. Perhaps it’s been years since your last checkup and you’re afraid everyone at the dentist’s office will judge and lecture you. Dr. Arnold and his staff appreciate your concerns. To alleviate dental fear and embarrassment, we provide oral conscious sedation in a friendly, understanding atmosphere.

Soothing amenities like aromatherapy, massage pads, and paraffin hand treatments are available to all our patients. But for those who still struggle to cope with anxiety, sedation dentistry has proven an excellent and effective tool for restoring and maintaining optimal oral health.

With sedation dentistry, patients can undergo procedures while relaxed and comfortable. Dr. Arnold prescribes a sedative in pill form that you will take an hour before your procedure. By the time your appointment arrives, you won’t feel the anxiety you normally do. Many patients are so relaxed they sleep through the procedure. Even if you don’t fall asleep, it’s likely you won’t remember the experience afterward.

Imagine enjoying a restored, healthy smile. Dr. Arnold can make it happen with oral conscious sedation. To see if you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry, call our Chesterton office to schedule a consultation. We treat each patient with sensitivity and concern, so don’t let dental phobia keep you from the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve.