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Garrett Gunderson

Garrett Gunderson wrote the New York Times Best Seller, Killing Sacred Cows.  It is an extraordinary book that dispels many of the myths that plague the way that we were taught to view our personal finances.  Unfortunately, these financial myths have become so deeply entrenched in our society that people consider them “untouchable” and “undebatable” – OR “Sacred Cows”.

Garrett has become a good friend of mine, and he has agreed to share his incredibly valuable time with us this Thursday evening on a teleseminar answering your most important questions related to personal finances, business finances, loans, debt, retirement plans, investing, and whatever else you are wondering about.  His goal is to share a LOT of knowledge with all of us in a short period of time, and you, my friends, are all invited to participate in the experience.  🙂

All you need to do is follow this link to ask Garrett a question and to register for the call:

I assure you that this will be time very well spent and could help you take your personal financial situation to the next level.  Please check out just a couple of his television appearances by following the links below, and you’ll see why many well-known entrepreneurs around the world are flocking to him for advice.

You can register at NO

CHARGE right now……

I hope that many of you can make it for the call.

All my best,

Smiles of Chesterton
Northwest Indiana Cosmetic and Family Dentistry

Smiles By Dr. Gibson & Associates
Naperville Cosmetic, Invisalign, and Family Dentistry