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Dental Implant

For young children, missing teeth are an eagerly anticipated event that is capped off with a reward from the tooth fairy. For an adult, however, missing teeth are not nearly as much fun. In fact, missing teeth can create several difficulties, including chewing, talking, laughing, and smiling. Tooth replacement, therefore, is imperative for physical, psychological, and emotional health. If you have one or more missing teeth, then you should consider dental implants from Smiles of Chesterton with an office in Chesterton, IN.

Although there are other options for tooth replacement, dental implants offer one distinct advantage—an implant replaces the entire tooth from root to crown. In this way, you have a replacement that most closely replicates a natural tooth in both form and function.

Dental Implants Northwest Indiana Knows is Reliable

A dental implant consists of a post, usually made of titanium, and a restorative crown. The procedure begins with minor oral surgery in which the post is implanted into the jaw bone beneath a missing tooth. If you are missing more than one tooth and need a partial or full denture for teeth replacement, then dental implants can be strategically placed along an arch to securely hold your fixed dentures in place. In either case, the post and bone fuse in a process called osseointegration. Thus, a strong foundation is formed and the possibility of bone disintegration that can happen with a missing tooth is averted.

After a few months when you’ve completely healed, you’ll return to Smile by Arnold to have the custom-designed crown or dentures attached to the post. Once in place, your smile will be complete and the troubles associated with missing teeth will be gone.

Call Our Office Today

To learn more about dental implants Northwest Indiana trusts, call Smiles of Chesterton to schedule a consultation. With offices in Chesterton, IN, we also conveniently serve people from Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, and Wheeler and nearby NWI cities.