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Dental Implants

For people who have one or more missing teeth, there are a few choices for tooth replacement. But perhaps the best option is a dental implant. Dental implants mimic natural teeth and are, therefore, the most lifelike replacement. For dental implants, Northwest Indiana trusts the team at Smiles of Chesterton in Chesterton, IN.

Teeth are lost for a variety of reasons, but some of the most common causes are:

  • Tooth injury
  • Severe decay
  • Extreme wear and tear
  • Gum disease
  • Failure of a root canal
  • Congenital defects

With even one missing tooth, the consequences can be great. First, of course, is the compromised appearance of your smile, which can lead to reduced self-esteem and self-confidence. Another concern is that missing teeth make chewing more difficult. Important foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, may be eliminated from the diet, thereby lessening nutrition. The importance of replacing missing teeth is obvious.

Dental Implants to the Rescue

Once you and your dentist at Smiles of Chesterton determine that a dental implant is the best option for you, you’ll be on your way to having a new tooth that is indistinguishable from your others. First, the dentist will surgically implant a titanium post in the bone beneath the open socket of your missing tooth. Then, through a process called osseointegration, the post, and surrounding bone tissue will fuse, forming a stable foundation much like a natural tooth root. When this is completely healed in a few months, you’ll return to the office for the dentist to attach an abutment and crown. The crown, which is expertly fabricated from an impression of your teeth, will fit seamlessly in your smile and function like a natural tooth.

Schedule an Appointment Today

To learn more about dental implants, Northwest Indiana residents call the office of Smiles of Chesterton. With an office in Chesterton, IN, we also conveniently serve the communities of Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, and Wheeler and nearby NWI cities.