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Elderly lady smiling

Maybe it was an unexpected accident that did it. Possibly years of lazy care. Or it could have just been unlucky genes. Whatever the cause, now you’ve got one or more missing teeth — and they’ve got to be replaced. Gaps in a smile affect your self-confidence, but that’s obvious. They also make it difficult to eat, chew and speak — and that’s just the beginning of it. Did you know that dental implants come pretty darn close to being a completely natural tooth replacement? That’s right — find out more and see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants at Smiles of Chesterton in Northwest Indiana.

Dental Implants Northwest Indiana Relies on to Replace the Whole Tooth

Because they replace the tooth’s root and provide a stable fixture for tooth replacement, we consider dental implants to be remarkably close to a whole tooth replacement. This is key for your future oral health because the tooth’s root provides the stimulation your jawbone needs to stay healthy. Without a root replacement, your jaw will deteriorate over time, resulting in even more tooth loss later on — something we know you want to avoid.

Dental implants are tiny posts made of titanium. They’re surgically implanted into your jawbone and require a recovery period of two to four months after implantation. That’s the time that’s required for osseointegration to take place — or what happens when the bone fuses to the implant. Once the recovery period is complete, your permanent tooth replacements can be securely bonded on.

Find Out if You’re a Good Candidate for Dental Implants

If you’re wondering if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, chances are good that you are. For the process to be successful, you just need to meet two conditions.

  • Adequate existing jawbone. Sometimes, missing teeth have caused too much jawbone deterioration and a bone graft is necessary. To ensure you’ve got enough supporting structure, we’ll perform a thorough initial evaluation of your entire mouth.
  • Good overall oral health. Severe cases of certain oral or general health conditions can prevent the success of dental implants. We’ll evaluate your mouth for problems like gingivitis or gum disease, and discuss any health conditions you may currently have or be recovering from.

If you and your dentist determine that you are a good candidate for dental implants, we can begin discussing your unique treatment plan immediately — and you’ll be one step closer to a complete, beautiful smile you won’t want to hide ever again.

Request Your Appointment Today

If you believe you would be a good candidate for dental implants — and if you’ve got one or more missing teeth, we’d bet you are — don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment today. We’re proud to serve Northwest Indiana with the excellent, affordable dental care our neighbors have come to count on.