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Granny Grandpa have breakfast

Losing your natural teeth can be a difficult experience. But you’re not alone. Researchers have found that 58% of Americans 50 and over have fewer than 21 teeth (out of 32) of their teeth and that over 25% of adults age 60 or over will lose all of their teeth. Though there is nothing better than being able to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible, there is an effective and beneficial solution to tooth loss with dental implants. You can protect your overall quality of life with replacement teeth that look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. Make an appointment with the experienced dentists at Smiles of Chesterton to restore your youthful smile with dental implants in Northwest Indiana. Smiles of Chesterton proudly serve patients throughout Chesterton, IN, Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, Wheeler, and nearby Northwest Indiana areas.

Why Northwest Indiana is getting Dental Implants
  • More Youthful Appearance– Dental implants preserve bone, preventing the deterioration of the facial structure. The possibility of wrinkles around the mouth caused by a bite collapse or complete facial structure collapse is eliminated.
  • Self-esteem and Self-confidence– Many of the people who now enjoy the benefits of implant-supported replacement teeth report that their self-esteem and self-confidence have been restored as a result of improved appearance, function, comfort, and health.
  • Improved Quality of Life– With dental implant-supported teeth, your smile is more natural and the teeth function more like natural teeth. This ensures your comfort and confidence when smiling, speaking, and eating.
  • Natural Look and Feel– Dental implants restore teeth as closely as possible to their natural state. By replacing the entire tooth root, the implant replicates the function and form of your natural teeth. Nothing in your mouth will look or feel artificial.
  • Prevents Bone Loss– Dental implants can preserve the integrity of your facial structure by preventing the bone from reabsorbing because of tooth loss. The lower third of the face may collapse when all of the teeth are missing if implants are not placed to preserve the bone.
  • Protects Surrounding Healthy Teeth– Your adjacent teeth are not compromised to replace your missing teeth. Tooth replacement with traditional tooth-supported bridges requires the grinding down of the teeth adjacent so that the dental bridge can be attached to them. The long-term health of these teeth is then at risk. Partial dentures can have metal clasps that hook onto adjacent teeth, putting pressure on them and eventually causing them to loosen and come out.
  • Low Maintenance– It is much easier to care for a dental implant-supported tooth, which can be cleaned and maintained like natural teeth. It’s also more convenient to clean a full set of implant-supported replacement teeth than a traditional denture which has to be removed and cleaned daily.
Where Can You Get Dental Implants in Northwest Indiana?

Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants instead of dental crowns/bridges is an investment in not only a more youthful appearance but in your long term dental health. Northwest Indiana Dental implants provide a strong, stable foundation that permits comfortable and natural biting and chewing. Whether you are contemplating tooth replacement options or you want to replace old dental bridges or dentures, make an appointment with the experienced dentists of Smiles of Chesterton today. Smiles of Chesterton proudly serve families throughout Chesterton, IN, Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, Wheeler, and surrounding Northwest Indiana communities.