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Dental implant
Did you know that more than 35 million Americans do not have any teeth, and 178 million people are missing at least one tooth? And as baby boomers age, those numbers are expected to increase over the next 20 years. If you happen to be one in those millions, then you know the problems that accompany missing teeth. You may be reluctant to smile; maintaining a healthy diet can be more challenging because you can’t easily chew many foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables; and you may even have difficulty speaking clearly. Fortunately, there is a tooth replacement option that closely resembles the structure and appearance of a natural tooth. If you have one or more missing teeth, then consider dental implants from Smiles of Chesterton with an office in Chesterton, IN.

Dental Implants Northwest Indiana Trusts

Unlike the other tooth replacement options, such as dentures and bridges, dental implants restore both the crown—the visible portion of a tooth—as well as the root. Moreover, with proper care including good oral hygiene at home and regular checkups with your dentist at Smiles of Chesterton, an implant can last for a lifetime.

When you come to the implant dentist Chesterton, IN relies on for complete restorative care, we’ll make sure you don’t have any other oral health problems that would need addressing before we begin the dental implant procedure. Once we determine that you are a qualified candidate, the first step toward your new and complete smile is the minor oral surgery. During this procedure, one of our dentists surgically implants a small titanium post in the jaw bone beneath the open socket of your missing tooth. If you have more than one missing tooth, then we can strategically place several posts to firmly hold a denture or bridge in place. As you heal, the bone grows over the post, creating a solid foundation for your new tooth restoration. In addition, this biocompatible post encourages new bone growth, helping you avoid the sunken face that many people with missing teeth have.

When you’re completely healed, our doctors will either cement a durable replacement tooth to the post or attach a full or partial denture. Your ability to speak properly, chew your favorite meals, and smile fully will be restored.

Schedule an Appointment

If you’d like to have a consultation about dental implants or any of our other restorative treatments, then call Smiles of Chesterton. With an office in Chesterton, IN, we also conveniently serve people from Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, and Wheeler and nearby NWI cities.