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Smiles By Arnold team
SmilesByArnold Team with Dr. Paul Homoly

I spent all day Friday and Saturday at a great seminar put on by Paul Homoly in Chicago. I had eight team members with me, and we all learned a ton. Several of us went through this program four years ago, so it was a great review – and affirmation that we’re doing a lot of things well. It was the first time for several others, and it will improve their already excellent patient communication and customer service.

It’s just such a good idea to get out of the office periodically to spend time learning together as a team! 🙂 I appreciate that they all took time away from their families and other activities to go to the course. It’s nice to have a team that is so committed to being the best that they can be!


Northwest Indiana Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
219-926-5445 (Chesterton)
SmilesByDrGibson & Associates
Naperville Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
630-357-3333 (Naperville)