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Dentist showing xray of teeth to elderly couple
If you’ve decided that dental implants are the solution for your tooth loss, congratulations! You’re on your way to achieving a smile that’s proven to last longer than any other tooth-replacement option out there! While this is an exciting development, it’s important that you understand the implications behind dental implant treatment. On top of completing a thorough dental examination, you’ll want to consider several different factors that will influence your treatment plan.

Here are four to help you get started.

Treatment and Recovery Time

Dental implant treatment is considered to be minimally invasive, so it’s not as significant as other oral surgeries. However, the treatment time will largely fluctuate depending on how many implants you decide to have placed. The number of placed implants will vary depending on the restoration you need. However, only single implant-retained crowns require one implant to place. If you intend on getting an implant-retained bridge made up of three or four teeth, only two implants are needed on either side of the bridge to sufficiently anchor it. The same applies for implant-retained dentures, which typically use anywhere between four to six implants to hold an entire arch.

The more implants you have placed, the longer your recovery time will be as well. The length of time needed can also vary based on where the implants are placed. While bone density is the most important factor for determining recovery time, implants placed on the bottom arch tend to take less time to heal compared to the top arch.


During your implant consultation, you’ll be able to determine the most accurate cost of treatment possible. It largely varies based on the number of implants placed, the restoration you choose, and any mandatory preparatory treatments needed to place implants. Remember that dental implants are considered a long-term solution for tooth loss that is more cost-effective than other methods, despite their high upfront cost.


A local anesthetic is always provided to prevent any discomfort during placement. However, many patients find it beneficial to take an oral sedative prior to surgery. This medication is typically taken hours before the appointment and by the time they arrive, they feel completely relaxed. Sedation may be recommended to you if you have any anxiety or dental fears. It’s also ideal if you have many implants to place during a single treatment.

Dentist Credentials

It’s common for many dentists to refer to the oral surgery phase of dental implant treatment out to another office, then have you come back to have the restoration they designed placed. If the dentist performs the surgery and the restoration phase in the same office, it could save you a lot of time traveling between offices. Plus, all of your care will be handled by one dentist, so your treatment plan is more consolidated overall.

Got a question about your dental implant treatment? Schedule an appointment with a dentist in Chesterton, IN today!

About the Practice

Smiles of Chesterton offers both oral surgery and implant restoration in one practice, making your overall treatment a more convenient and seamless experience. The dentists always make sure you’re feeling comfortable about your treatment, providing essential aftercare tips, and crafting restorations that blend in with your smile naturally. To learn more about the practice, you can contact them through their website.