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Baskets Turn Into Dollars for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County

Three hundred and thirty three-point baskets may mean a great year for the Chesterton University Crusaders Men’s Basketball team, but it means even more to the boys and girls who attend the Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County.

As part of the Nothing But Net Sponsorship Program, each time the Crusaders scored a three-point basket during the season, four local MVP Sponsors generously donated $20 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County.

The 2007-08 Nothing But Net MVP Sponsors were First National Bank of Chesterton, Grieger’s Motors, Smiles of Chesterton, and Urschel Laboratories.

With the help of these community-minded businesses, Chesterton University Athletics, and the entire men’s basketball team, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County continues to deliver essential youth development programs and make a difference in the lives of more than 5,300 Porter County youth who attend one of the four clubhouses located in Chesterton, Portage, South Haven, and Chesterton or one of the nine KIDS TOP before and after school childcare locations.

For more information about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County, call (219) 464-7282 or

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County’s mission is to inspire and enable the youth of our communities to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.