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I have some exciting news for our wonderful family of patients! I am thrilled to announce the addition of two dentists to my fantastic team. I have been so extraordinarily busy for the past few years, that I needed some help so that we could continue providing the terrific service and dental care that you have come to expect from Shideler Family Dentistry.

Dr. Jim Arnold grew up in Valparaiso and went to Indiana University for college and dental school. After winning multiple awards and being recognized for leadership and clinical excellence, he returned to Porter County to practice in Chesterton in 1996. In 2003, he was recognized nationally for excellence in comprehensive esthetic dentistry and has been teaching contemporary techniques to dentists since that time. He also writes a bi-monthly dental column for the Times Newspaper. He is married to Sarah, and they have three children ages four and under, with a fourth on the way next summer!

Dr. Arnold and I have served together on the area Peer Review Committee for several years, and we share very similar practice philosophies. His practice has also been tremendously busy, and that’s why we decided over the summer to combine our practices. Additionally, we selected Dr. Natalie Wargo to join our outstanding dental team.

Dr. Natalie grew up in Hebron and returned to the area in 2003, spending two years practicing in Crown Point. She is a member of multiple dental organizations and excels in all areas of general dentistry. Her gentle, soothing demeanor makes her a tremendous asset to the team, and she particularly enjoys working with children. She is married to her high-school sweetheart, Jason, and is thrilled to join us.

Combining practices and having three excellent dentists to cover two offices has been a terrific endeavor for everyone, thus far. We have learned a lot from one another, patients have greater flexibility in scheduling appointments in a timely manner, and we are better able to focus our attention on what is most important to you, our valued patients.

You can learn more about Drs. Arnold and Wargo by visiting our website. Please join us in welcoming them both to our dental family! Hopefully, you’ll have an opportunity to meet them at your next dental visit. Thank you so much for your support.


Dr. Lisa Shideler