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Dr. Arnold and his team are thrilled to announce the addition of an outstanding new dentist to our dental family, Dr. Natalie Wargo.  Dr. Wargo has practiced dentistry in Crown Point for the past two years and is a member of the American Dental Association,  the Academy of General Dentistry, and the Northwest Indiana Dental Society.  She enjoys and excels in all aspects of general dentistry, and her excellent clinical skills, coupled with her soothing demeanor and gentle nature, will be a tremendous asset to the team.

Dr. Wargo was raised in Hebron and attended Boone Grove High School.  After graduating in 1995, she continued her education at Purdue University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 1999.  Dr.Wargo attended Indiana University School of Dentistry in Indianapolis, graduating in 2003.  After dental school, she returned to Northwest Indiana and married (her high school sweetheart) Jason Wargo.  Together, they enjoy playing softball and volleyball through the park department and spending time with their two dogs.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Wargo to our dental family!  We hope you all will have the opportunity to meet her at your next dental visit. You can find out more about Dr. Wargo on our website on the “About Our Doctors” page.