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Elderly couple smiling
When teeth go missing, it’s never good. There are many reasons why teeth go missing and most often it’s the result of patients not receiving adequate treatment for dental health issues. Having missing teeth isn’t healthy. It’s unsightly and can be detrimental to your overall health. Dentures, though usually reserved for older patients, are an acceptable form of treatment for patients of all ages should they choose to receive this type of treatment. We’re here to tell you that you can rid yourself of the pain and discomfort of dealing with missing teeth and receive the smile you deserve. With dentures, you can restore your mouth back to its proper function and enjoy smiling with gorgeous-looking teeth. Our office in Chesterton, IN has the denture treatment you’re looking for. Dr. Jim Arnold is the family dentist Northwest Indiana residents can trust to get their smiles looking beautiful once again.

Dentures Chesterton, IN Residents, Can Enjoy Wearing

There are legitimate reasons for choosing denture treatment. Did you know 25% of adults 60 and older have lost all of their teeth? Not partially, not half. All of the teeth – gone. Could you possibly imagine? It’s dangerous having a mouth that’s toothless and invites all sorts of diseases in to wreak havoc on your gums. Not to mention, you lose all ability to properly eat, speak, and smile. The gums are the foundation for a healthy mouth and anything less than good health isn’t good enough for us.

Our office offers full and partial denture replacements. Full dentures replace entire arches of teeth. These are the best options for those patients who are missing the entire upper and lower arches. Partial dentures are reserved for patients who are only missing a few teeth in the same arch. They’re gently placed into your smile like a jigsaw puzzle piece.

Before deciding which type of denture treatment a patient needs, Dr. Arnold will sit down with each and every one to ensure they receive the best treatment available. Each patient’s needs are unique, thus meaning that not every patient will receive the same treatment. What you can expect, however, is that our team will provide a comfortable environment and professional experience unlike any you’ve encountered. There’s a reason so many families choose us to take care of their dental needs.

Schedule Your Visit with Us

Dr. Arnold would be more than happy to sit down with you to discuss your goals and concerns at our Chesterton, IN office. If you want to experience the relief of dentures, Chesterton, Aberdeen, South Haven, Maiden, and Ainsworth residents are urged to come to us for treatment.