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A lady holding her cheeks

People with missing teeth must contend with a number of daily difficulties. First, they may have trouble eating their favorite foods as well as foods that are the most nutritious, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Secondly, depending on which teeth are missing, they may have trouble speaking. And no matter which or how many teeth are missing, there are always issues of self-consciousness and hesitation to smile or laugh with family and friends. Custom-designed dentures from Smiles of Chesterton have helped many people in and around Chesterton, IN, and they can help you, too.

Full Dentures Chesterton, IN Can Depend On

For Dentures, Chesterton, IN Trusts Smiles of Chesterton you are missing a full arch of teeth, or need to have a full arch of teeth extracted, then full dentures, also called complete dentures, maybe the appropriate choice for you. Full dentures consist of a custom-fitted, gum-colored base and expertly designed false teeth. These dentures are held in place with denture adhesive, natural suction, or a combination of the two. There are two types of complete dentures: conventional and immediate.

With conventional dentures, you’ll need to wait about eight to 12 weeks after your teeth are extracted before you can wear your dentures. During this time, your gums begin to heal, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit. On the other hand, immediate dentures are placed directly after tooth removal.

Partial Dentures

If you happen to only be missing a few teeth along one arch, then partial dentures may be the restorative solution for you. A partial denture is a custom-fitted prosthetic device made of replacement teeth a frame that is secured to your natural teeth with metal clasps and attachments. The shape, size, and color of these replacement teeth are designed to look like your natural teeth, so you have an attractive and seamless smile.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to find out if dentures are right for you, then call Smiles of Chesterton. With offices in Chesterton, IN, we also conveniently serve people from Portage, Porter, La Porte, Michigan City, and Wheeler and nearby NWI cities.